We all know reality whistles a different and lovely, dreamy tune underwater.
So to launch Hendrick’s Gins fresh off the boat and highly unusual seaside Neptunia Gin the guests were invited to plunge into the realms of the deep: home of endless living mysteries,the most wondrous creatures but also the cradle of Neptunia’s coastal botanicals. A ravishingly refreshing coastal air, embodied by a graceful swaypole creature, lured our guests towards the Antwerp Zoo Plaza where an enigmatic poet and a glowing anglerfish inspired nymph shared the brand new gin story. As the wind picked up the tide turned as well. And our guests were swept up by sound waves that got to a crescendo at Neptunia’s Sunken Secret. In this underwater world four different botanical creatures, each of them personifyinga delightfully peculiar ingredient, brought the best of themselves to Neptunia in a seashell. The Queen of The Underwater then carefully married the best of the deeper flavorsin a big bowl and praised it while singing Trøllabundin by Eivør.
An immersive experience in the Hendrick’s giniverse that truly caught all guests in the net of wonder.